Paparazzi jewelry logo
Paparazzi jewelry logo

paparazzi jewelry logo

For example, if you buy 5 pieces of jewelry (wholesale cost of $2.75) totaling $13.75, you will be charged sales tax on the retail value of $25.00. When ordering from Paparazzi, we pay sales tax on the retail value (i.e.This policy extends to all online forums including but not limited to websites, shopping carts, and social media platforms." Any and all online activity of Consultants with the intention of promoting Paparazzi must be appropriately designated as an 'Independent Consultant.' In accordance to Section 5.13, Paparazzi products must not be displayed or sold alongside any other product(s).Violation of this policy can result in termination, as potential Consultants who are interested in doing Paparazzi can quickly become disinterested through heavy online recruiting activities.This also includes directly contacting someone through instant messages or e-mails that were found through a social media site not directly owned by that Consultant. Consultants are not allowed to recruit through any Paparazzi Corporate social media page, or through any social media page that does not directly belong to that Consultant. Social media or networking is permitted for the intention of developing a warm market, or networking with current associates, but is not permitted for the direct sale or distribution of Paparazzi product.Independent Consultants are not allowed to use a mass e-mailer or generate 'SPAM' for their Paparazzi Business.P&P 5.10 - Online Activity: "Independent Consultants may not use any online forum (eBay, classifieds, Craigslist, or any other online retail tool) to bundle, distribute, or sell Paparazzi products.If you are going to sell in someone else's group or page you will need to get permission from the owner or admin of that page or group. Yes, if you stay within policy and sell on your own personal page, timeline, or group.No Consultant may create and then sell, distribute, or promote, any items with the Independent Consultant logo to other Consultants, members of their teams, or anyone else." Consultants may make any tools, or accessories necessary for them to build their business using the Paparazzi Independent Consultant logo, for personal use or consumption.


  • Independent Consultants are free to use the 'Paparazzi Independent Consultant' logo, which is available to all Consultants online as long as they do not alter or distort the logo in any way.
  • P&P 5.5 - Use of the Paparazzi Logo: "At no time can any Consultant create or distribute any item or literature that contains the Paparazzi logo and brand that was not created by Paparazzi directly and distributed for that intended purpose.
  • Make sure whenever you use the Paparazzi name you indicate you are a “Independent Consultant” as well.
  • ​ Independent Consultants are free to use the Paparazzi Trademark and Logo as long as it is the approved logos from the Back Office.
  • Q: Can I use the Paparazzi trademark and logo?

    paparazzi jewelry logo

    This 12-month restriction applies to the Consultant as well as those in their household." P&P 11.5 - Enrollment Restriction: "Any Consultant that has their Consultant Agreement terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, will not be eligible to re-enroll as a Consultant with Paparazzi for a period of 12 months.Paparazzi is not required to provide notification prior to or upon cancellation due to inactivity." It is the consultant’s responsibility to maintain and monitor these PV requirements.Paparazzi will not provide or issue any written confirmation of the cancellation. If at any time the Consultant has a period of 12 consecutive months wherein the 200 PV minimum is not reached, the Agreement will be canceled the account and position terminated, and the measures in Section 11.1 will take effect. P&P 11.2 - Cancellation Due to Inactivity: "In order to keep a Consultant’s Agreement and account active, the Consultant must have accumulated at least 200 PV within a rolling 12 consecutive month window.If you don’t keep your 200 PV Year-To-Date, you will be automatically canceled and won’t be able to re-join for 12 consecutive months.The next month you need a total of 200 PV from Jto Jetc. For example, you need a total of 200 PV from Jto June 20, 2017. You need to buy 200 PV Year-To-Date to not loose your consultant status.Q: How do I not cancel due to inactivity?

    Paparazzi jewelry logo